Predictive maintenance for lifting equipment projects

Crosby Airpes offers a wide range of lifting equipment that is tailor-made to meet the requirements and needs of every customer.

Tailor-made heavy lifting equipment allows you to adapt to the shape, contour and weight of the equipment to be lifted, such as lifting beams, hooks or tongs.

This customization can provide a better and more stable grip, reducing the risk of swinging in the air and damaging equipment, depending on the space available to handle the load.

Crosby Airpes designs can be scaled to suit a wide range of purposes and weights, from small items to objects weighing over a hundred tonnes.

Active predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance is a technique that uses data analysis tools and techniques to detect anomalies in the operation and possible defects in the equipment, applying a series of actions that aim to anticipate failures or errors.

Here are the main reasons why you should consider predictive maintenance during heavy equipment operations as well as machinery maintenance.

  • Continuous monitoring: Uses sensors and monitoring devices to collect real-time data on equipment performance and status.
  • Data Analysis: Collected data is analysed using statistics and machine learning to learn patterns, usage and outcomes to identify potential future failures.
  • Scheduled inspections: Inspections and maintenance are key moments when use of heavy lifting equipment and can be scheduled based on data analysis, rather than on a fixed schedule.
  • Failure prevention: By monitoring operating parameters and shutting down machinery when it exceeds those limits, these systems prevent costly breakdowns and repairs that can occur due to equipment overload.

Prevention of unexpected interruptions to production or service operations can be a key factor in the maintenance of high levels of operational integrity.

Why is it important?

Predictive maintenance can deliver significant benefits in keeping machinery up and running.

You can reduce the number of errors and accidents by taking the right steps to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on equipment, providing additional safety for everyone involved in the operation.

Predictive maintenance also allows you to avoid cost overruns due to repairs.

Reparing equipment

Taking an active role in preventive and predictive maintenance of airpes can save a great deal of time and money in the long run when it comes to repairing parts and maintenance of heavy lifting equipment.

We have a specialised team that can advise you on

  1. Designing active maintenance methods
  2. Checking and organising the data collected
  3. Interpret and plan revisions
  4. Identifying faults and proposing the best solutions

As parts can be manufactured to meet different requirements, the repair and maintenance can also be different in each case.

Crosby Airpes offers a repair service for both standard and bespoke parts, regardless of use, age or action that may be required.

Crosby Airpes system

Our predictive maintenance system is collected in an application called Crosby Black Box, which acts as a data centre with 24/7 access to information to plan the steps to be taken to reduce the time the machine is unavailable.

Within the system you can improve the efficiency of operations, taking into account the load it can carry as well as the history of operations.

These customised solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing processes, ensuring efficient and effective improvements to your operations.

If you need to take a more active role in predictive maintenance or the repair of any of the heavy lifting equipment parts, do not hesitate to contact us